Meet the Team

  • Aubrey Smalls


    @aubreysmalls (TikTok)

    Aubrey Smalls is a filmmaker with dwarfism. Born in Louisiana, Smalls began his career in the circus world, before transitioning to film and television. Currently, Smalls is focused on telling original fiction and non-fiction stories that highlight artists with dwarfism.

  • Katrina Kemp


    @kueenkatrina (Instagram)

    Katrina Kemp was born in Burbank, California and has participated in numerous artistic mediums since 1995. She has had many fortunate professional opportunities that have taken her to over 70 major cities, and several beautiful countries. As a person with dwarfism, she concentrates many of her projects on modern conversations encompassing dwarfism awareness and broadening advocacy for the dwarfism community inside of contemporary popular culture.